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Sinfree B Makoni

Sinfree Makoni is a Professor at the Pennsylvania State University and is currently a Distinguished Scholar in the Graduate School of Education of the same University. He received his PhD from the University of Edinburgh and also holds degrees from the University of Ghana, Legon, Accra. His areas of specialisation are discourses of terrorism outside the United States, theory and practices of language policy and planning, and philosophies of language and language and health in Africa. Professor Makoni has published a number of academic articles and books on language policy and planning, among them Disinventing and Reconstituting Languages (2006), co-edited with Alastair Pennycook, and Language and Aging in Multilingual Contexts (2005), co-authored with Kees De Bot.

Link to CV: HERE

Some recent publications:

Makoni, S.; Kaiper-Marquez, A; Verity, D. (Eds.) (2021). Integrational Linguistics and Philosophy of Language from the Global South. London/New York: Routledge Press.

Abdelhay, Ashraf; Makoni, Sinfree; Severo, Cristine. (Eds.). (2020). Language planning and policy: Ideologies, Ethnicities and semiotic spaces of power. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Abdelhay, Ashraf; Makoni, Sinfree; Severo, Cristine. (in press). Colonial heteronormative ideologies and the racializing discourse of language families. In Ellen Hurst; Lutz Marten; Nancy Kula; Jochen Zeller (Eds.). Oxford Guide to the Bantu Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Severo, Cristine Gorski; Makoni, Sinfree (2020). Non-Western research methods in applied linguistics. In: Jim McKinley; Heath Rose (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. London: Routledge.

Makoni, Sinfree; Severo, Cristine G. (in press). Using lusitanization and creolization as frameworks to analyze historical and contemporary Cape Verde language policy and planning. In Ana Deumert; Nick Shepherd (Eds.). Oxford Handbook of Colonial Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Abdelhay, Ashraf; Makoni, Sinfree; Severo, Cristine. (in press). Colonial heteronormative ideologies and the racializing discourse of language families. In Ellen Hurst; Lutz Marten; Nancy Kula; Jochen Zeller (Eds.). Oxford Guide to the Bantu Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Makoni, S. B. (2017). Language planning, security, police communication and multilingualism in uniformLanguage and Communication, 36(5), 541-565. 

 Makoni, S. B.  & Criss, M. (2017). Regional and international perspectives on language activismMultilingua Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 36(5), 533-673.

Makoni, S. B. , et al. (2017). The Cultural politics of language in Sudan:against the racialising logic of language rights. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 38(4), 346-359.

  Masters, K. (2016). Joshua Fishman public intellectual,and intellectual activistInternational Journal of the Sociology of Language, 243, 7-15. 

 Makoni, S. B. (2016). Romanticising differences and managing diversities: A perspective on harmonization, language policy and planningLanguage Policy, 15(3), 223-234. 

Abdelhay, Ashraf, Nada Eljak, AbdelRahim Mugaddam, and Sinfree Makoni (2016). The cultural politics of language in Sudan: against the racialising logic of language rights. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 38(4), 346-359.

Makoni, S. B. (2014). Multilingualism:spontaneous orders and System D, a concluding noteInternational Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 17(6), 714-717. 

Makoni, S. B. (2013). An integrationist perspective on colonial linguisticsLanguage and Science35, 87-96.

Makoni, S. B. (2013). Discourses of Terror: The U.S. from the viewpoint of the ‘Other’. 4(1), 23-42.

Makoni, S. B. (2012). A critique of language, languaging and supervernaculars. Muitas Vozes, 1(2), 189-199.

Makoni, S. B. (2012). Language and Human Rights discourses in Africa: Lessons from African experiencesAbel Martín, 7(1), 1-20.

Makoni, S. B. (2011). A critical analysis of the historical and contemporary status of minority languages in Zimbabwe. 12(4), 437-455.

Makoni, S. B. (2011). Sociolinguistics, colonial and postcolonial: an intergrationist perspective. Language Sciences, 33(4), 680-688.

akoni, B., Makoni, S. B. & Pfukwa, C. (2010). Language planning, language ideology, and entextualisation: War naming practices. Names, 58(4), 197-208.

Makoni, S. B. , Makoni, B., & Rosenberg, A. (2010). The wordy worlds of popular music in eastern and southern Africa: Possible implications for language-in-education policy. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 9(1), 1-16.

Makoni, S. B., Makoni, B., & Nyika, N. (2008). Language Planning from below: The case of the Tonga in Zimbabwe. Current Issues in Language Planning, 9(4), 413-439.

Makoni, S. B. & Pennycook, A. (2007). Disinventing and Reconstituting Languages. (240 pp). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters. 

Makoni, B., Makoni, S. B. & Mashiri, P. (2007). Naming Practices and Language Planning in ZimbabweCurrent Issues in Language Planning, 8(3), 437-467.

Makoni, S. B., Brutt-Griffler, J., & Mashiri, P. (2007). The use of ‘indigenous’ and urban vernaculars in Zimbabwe. Language in Society, 36(1), 25-49.

Makoni, S. B. & Trudell, B. (2006). Complementary and conflicting discourses of linguistics diversity: Implications for language planning. Per Linguam, 22(2), 4-28.

de Bot, K., & Makoni, S. B.  (2005). Language and Aging in Multilingual Contexts. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Makoni, S. B. & Pennycook, A. (2005). Disinventing and (Re)constituting LanguagesCritical Inquiry in Language Studies, 2(3), 137-156.

Pennycook, A., & Makoni, S. B. (2005). The Modern Mission: The Language Effects of Christianity. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 4(2), 137-155.

Makoni, S. B. (2003). From misinvention to disinvention of language: An approach to multilingualism and the South African constitution. In S.B.Makoni, G. Smitherman, A. Spears, and A. Ball (Eds.), Black Linguistics, Language, society & politics in Africa and the Americas (pp. 132-151). Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Makoni, S. B.  (2002). Introduction: Toward Black Linguistics. In S.B.Makoni, G. Smitherman, A. Spears, and A. Ball (Eds.), Black Linguistics, Language, society & politics in Africa and the Americas (pp. 1-20). Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

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