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Cristine Gorski Severo

With two PhDs at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, one in Linguistics (2007) and a second one in Interdisciplinary Studies (2018), Cristine G Severo has conquered experience conducting university-based research on the topics of colonial linguistics, critical language policy, African languages in the diaspora, practices of resistance and Southern epistemologies.  Some of the works supervised by her include the political role played by Portuguese and local languages in colonial era in African and Asian Portuguese former colonies. Several publications have resulted from these supervised works and from personal and collective research.  Her research has focused on the relation between languages and colonialism and practices of resistance, critical language policy in Portuguese and Spanish former colonies and comparative analysis of colonial and post colonial experiences of language. Collective research includes joint work with Angolan and Mozambican researchers.

Link to CV: HERE

Some recent publications:

Severo, C. Gorski; and Makoni, S. (2021). Integrationism and the Global South: Songs as epistemic and ontological frameworks in language studies. In Integrational Linguistics and Philosophy of Language from the Global South, edited by S. Makoni,  A. Kaiper-Marquez, and D.Verity. London and New York: Routledge Press.

Abdelhay, Ashraf; Makoni, Sinfree; Severo, Cristine. (forthcoming). Colonial heteronormative ideologies and the racializing discourse of language families. In Ellen Hurst; Lutz Marten; Nancy Kula; Jochen Zeller (Eds.). Oxford Guide to the Bantu Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Makoni, Sinfree; Severo, Cristine G. (2021). Using lusitanization and creolization as frameworks to analyze historical and contemporary Cape Verde language policy and planning. In Ana Deumert; Nick Shepherd (Eds.). Oxford Handbook of Colonial Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Severo, Cristine Gorski; Makoni, Sinfree (2021). Can Southern Epistemological and Indigenous Ontological Orientations to Applied Linguistics challenge its Ethnocentrism? In Clare Cunningham; Christopher Hall (Eds.) Vulnerabilities, Challenges and Risks in Applied LinguisticsBristol: Multilingual Matters.

Abdelhay, Ashraf; Makoni, Sinfree; Severo, Cristine. (Eds.). (2020). Language planning and policy: Ideologies, Ethnicities and semiotic spaces of power. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Makoni, Sinfree; Severo, Cristine; Abdelhay, Ashraf. (2020). Colonial Linguistics and the Invention of Language. In: Ashraf  Abdelhay,  Sinfree Makoni & Cristine Severo (Eds.) Language planning and policy: Ideologies, Ethnicities, and semiotic spaces of power. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Abdelhay, Ashraf; Makoni, Sinfree; Severo, Cristine. (2020). Language planning and policy: The discursive landscaping of modernity. In: Ashraf  Abdelhay,  Sinfree Makoni & Cristine Severo (Eds.) Language planning and policy: Ideologies, Ethnicities, and semiotic spaces of power. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Benton-Monahan, Chelsea; Severo, Cristine. (2020). Amazigh Language Policy in Morocco and the power of contradiction. In: Ashraf  Abdelhay,  Sinfree Makoni & Cristine Severo (Eds.) Language planning and policy: Ideologies, Ethnicities, and semiotic spaces of power. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Severo, Cristine; Makoni, Sinfree. (2020). African-Languages, Race, and Colonialism: The Case of Brazil and Angola. In H. Samy Alim, Angela Reyes & Paul Kroskrity (Eds). Oxford Handbook of Language and Race.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Severo, Cristine Gorski; Makoni, Sinfree (2020). Solidarity and the Politics of us: how far can individual go in language policy? Research methods in non-werstern contexts. In: Jim McKinley; Heath Rose (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. London: Routledge.

Severo, Cristine G.; Gorski, Edair. (2019). Revisiting Whitney: on the social and political dimensions of language studiesLanguage and Culture: Acta Scientiarum, 49, 1, p. 1-12. 

Severo, Cristine G.; Gorski, Edair. (2019). Linguistics and its genealogies: On intertwined pathwaysRevista do GELNE, 21, 1, p. 178-190.

Severo, Cristine Gorski. (2018). Línguas e heranças africanas no Brasil: articulando política linguística e sócio-história [African languages ​​and African heritage in Brazil: articulating language policy and socio history of languages] Revista da Abralin, 17 , 2, p. 16-45.

Severo, Cristine Gorski. (2018). O clamor por justiça: quando o verbo se faz carne [Claming for justice: when the verb becomes flesh]. In Atilio Butturi Junior; Cristine G. Severo. (Eds.), Foucault e as linguagens. Campinas, SP: Pontes, p. 127-158.

Butturi Junior, A.; Severo, Cristine Gorski (Eds.). (2018). Foucault e as linguagens [Foucault and Languages]. Campinas, SP: Pontes, 2018.

Severo, Cristine Gorski (2018). Uma visão panorâmica das políticas linguísticas no Brasil: construindo diálogos [A Panoramic View of Language Policies in Brazil: Building Dialogues]. Revista da Academia Brasileira de Letras, 94, p. 11-22.

Severo, Cristine Gorski; Görski, Edair (2017). On the relation between the sociology of language and sociolinguistics: Fishman’s legacy in BrazilInternational Journal of the Sociology of Language, 243, p. 119-132. Retrieved from 10.1515/ijsl-2016-0048.

Makoni, Sinfree; Severo, Cristine G. (2017). An integrationist perspective on African philosophy. In Adrian Pablé (Ed.). Critical Humanist Perspectives: The Integrational Turn in Philosophy of Language and Communication. London: Routledge, p. 63-76.

Severo, Cristine Gorski (2016). The Colonial Invention of Languages in AmericaAlfa, São Paulo, 60, 11-28. Retrieved from 10.1590/1981-5794-1604-1

Severo, C. G. (2016). Lusofonia, Colonialismo e Globalização [Lusophony, Colonialism and Globalization]. Fórum Linguistico (Online), 13, p. 1321-1333.

Leite, Ilka Boaventura; Severo, Cristine Gorski (Eds.). (2016). Kadila: culturas e ambientes – Diálogos Brasil-Angola. [Kadila: culture and environment – Dialogues between Brazil and Angola]. São Paulo, SP: Blucher. Retrieved from https://openaccess.blucher.com.br/download-pdf/319/20149

Freitag, Raquel M. Ko.; Severo, Cristine G.; Görski, Edair. (Eds.). (2016). Sociolinguística e Política Linguística: Olhares Contemporâneos [Sociolinguistics and Language Policy in Brazil: Contemporary perspectives]. São Paulo, SP: Blucher.

Freitag, R. M. Ko.; Severo, C. G. (Eds) (2015). Mulheres, Linguagem e Poder – Estudos de Gênero na Sociolinguística Brasileira [Women, Language and Power in Brazilian Sociolinguistics]. São Paulo, SP: Editora Edgard Blücher.

Severo, Cristine G.; Makoni, Sinfree B. (2015). Politicas Linguisticas-Brasil-Africa. Por uma perspectiva critica [Language Policy Brazil-Africa: towards a critical perspective]. Florianópolis, SC: Insular.

Severo, C. G., & Makoni, S. B. (2014). Discourses of language in Colonial and Postcolonial Brazil. Language and Communication, 34, 95-104.

Makoni, Sinfree; Severo, Cristine G. (2014). Lusitanization and Bakhtinian perspectives on the role of Portuguese in Angola and East Timor Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development1, 151–162.

Severo, Cristine Gorski (2014). Línguas e Estados Nacionais: Problematizações históricas e implicações políticas [Language and Nation-State: historical problematization]. In: Carlos Serra (Ed.). Estão as Línguas Nacionais em Perigo? [Are the national languages in danger?]. Lisboa/Maputo: Escolar Editora, p. 9-36.

Severo, Cristine Gorski (2014). Estilo, variação linguística e discurso [Style, language variation and discourse]. In Edair Görski; Izete L. Coelho; Christiane M. N. de Souza. (Eds.). Variação estilística: reflexões teórico-metodológicas e propostas de análise [Stylistic variation: theory, methodology and analysis]. Florianópolis, SC: Insular, 2014, p. 33-52.

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