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About the group

The CriLanPol group works with a critical perspective of Language Policy and Planning.  It is a collective and free of charge group. Instead of focusing on ideas as individual, agency, free will, individual creativity, private property and language management, we propose to consider collective and moving experiences in colonized and post-colonial contexts as frameworks to analyse language practice and language policy. This means considering that the concept of language is radically connected to local experiences, where language practices become a locus for social, political and cultural way of being together and sharing values, worldview, beliefs and hope.

Researchers interested in attending the group should send us an email with information about research, supervision and interests.

Our  projects also include collective cross-border courses (using technology) and supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate studentes in different parts of the world – as Brazil, USA, South Africa, Sudan, Angola and Qatar, among others – seeking for a comparative and dialogical perspective. We have been covering several topics related to a critical perspective on what count as language in both colonized and post colonial contexts.

Some examples of the topics covered by us are the following:

  • Language Policy and Planning in Colonial Africa and its Diaspora
  • The cross border colonial and post colonial relation between Africa and Brazil
  • Power relation, social justice and language
  • The sociolinguistics of coloniality and post coloniality
  • Language Policy and Religion
  • Language practices and resistance
  • The sociolinguistics of protests
  • Language Policy and Planning in the Arab world
  • Languages as historical and political inventions
  • Integrationism and Southern Theories to Language Policy and Planning
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